I am delighted to share with you The Female Orgasm Research Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to building social awareness to female orgasmic disorder, a pandemic affecting up to 44% of women worldwide that is the second most common sexual complaint among women. Lack of desire is the number one sexual complaint. The full spectrum of female sexual dysfunction includes desire, arousal, orgasm and pain and affects nearly one out of every two women worldwide.
Women’s sexual dysfunction affects men too – for when women can not be the full expression of their feminine selves, men’s masculinity is diminished.
Sexual healing is a problem to solve together.
I understand the self-repression and shame that accompanies this disorder and the effort that it takes to transcend it. My sexual healing journey is the impetus for The Female Orgasm Research Institute.
A main component to The Female Orgasm Research Institute is bringing orgasmic research into one web portal for both women and researchers. We will also work towards social justice and law advocacy for the scientific progress of women’s sexual health.
Suzanne Mulvehill, Executive Director and Founder