Female Sexual Dysfunction

9 Facts About the Clitoris that Every Man (and Woman) Should Know

By |2022-06-09T11:21:00+00:00June 9th, 2022|Clitoris, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Female Sexual Dysfunction, Female Sexuality|

Below are 9 facts about the clitoris referenced in K. Lovestone's article from 2021, and his website, www.consciouscock.com (see reference below).  Many women still do not know the full extent of their clitoris, let alone men. When I took sex education in middle school, no one ever discussed pleasure - or the clitoris - for

Normalizing and destigmatizing female sexual dysfunction

By |2022-03-29T10:17:40+00:00March 29th, 2022|Female Orgasm, Female Sexual Dysfunction, Female Sexuality|

A highlight of this article is extrapolated below: What is the urologist’s role in destigmatizing female sexual dysfunction? Treat female sexual dysfunction the same way you treat and approach male sexual dysfunction. Make it a priority and ask questions. The same way we ask men, "How's your erection?" you can ask women, "How is your

Sexually Self-Conscious and Sexual Embarrassment: How it Relates to Sexual Dysfunction

By |2020-10-26T10:34:42+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Female Sexual Dysfunction|

First, it is common - in fact, it is so common that research has been done about it and measurements have been made to define it. So if you experience this - you are normal!! The key now is to know that sexual self-consciousness and sexual embarrassment may be something that holds women back from

Welcome Dr. Jordan Tishler to The Female Orgasm Research Institute Board

By |2023-06-25T16:24:12+00:00October 21st, 2020|Cannabis, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Sexual Dysfunction, Male Sexual Dysfunction|

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Jordan Tishler to The Female Orgasm Research Institute Board. Dr. Tishler is  a Cannabis Specialist and the President and CMO of inhaleMD, a medical practice in Cambridge, MA., specializing in treating male and female sexual dysfunction with cannabis. Dr. Tishler graduated from both Harvard College and Harvard Medical School,

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