
Three Things That Surprised Me About Kundalini Yoga

By |2022-09-28T14:48:43+00:00September 28th, 2022|Kundalini Yoga, Orgasm|

I stumbled on Kundalini Yoga during the pandemic. Kundalini Yoga is an ancient yoga practice, from the Tantric and Taoist traditions, combining breath, movement and sound. Sounds pretty basic, right? Well, three things surprised me about Kundalini Yoga that I did not experience in the 20 years of doing other types of yoga and one

Medical Cannabis and OBGYN’s

By |2022-06-06T12:54:53+00:00June 6th, 2022|Cannabis, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Sexuality, Orgasm, Sexual Pleasure|

The Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology published Medical Marijuana: An Overview for Obstetricians/Gynecologists  in its March 2022 edition, reaching obstetricians and gynecologists across the globe. The research touched on many benefits of medical marijuana, including sexual enhancement.  While the article did not go into depth about how cannabis is being shown to be a

Three theories explore why women who use cannabis regularly are twice as likely to orgasm

By |2023-06-25T16:29:04+00:00April 22nd, 2022|Cannabis, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm Research, Orgasm|

The Female Orgasm Research Institute's abstract titled, Three Theories Explore Why Women Who Use Cannabis Regularly are Twice as Likely to Orgasm, was accepted to present at the Cannabis Clinical Outcomes Research Conference, May 19-20, in Orlando, Florida. The research will be presented by Suzanne Mulvehill, Clinical Sexologist and Executive Director of The Female Orgasm

10 Characteristics of Women with Expanded Sexual Response

By |2021-03-21T11:09:06+00:00March 21st, 2021|Absorbed State, Altered State of Consciousness, Expanded Sexual Response, Female Orgasm, Female Sexuality, Orgasm|

Below are 10 characteristics of women who experience what is known as Expanded Sexual Response (ESR). Expanded sexual response is defined as being able to attain long lasting and/or prolonged and/or multiple and/or sustained and/or status orgasmus that last longer and are more intense than the classical orgasm patterns defined in the literature. The research

“Think” your way to Orgasm

By |2020-12-27T13:35:54+00:00December 27th, 2020|Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Orgasm|

Studies show that women can "think" their way to orgasm. In other words, have 'mental' orgasms without touching their genitals.  The physiological responses of blood pressure, heart rate, and the dilation of the pupils as well as the insensitivity to pain during orgasm were measured in women who think their way to orgasm.  The results

What is the best way to please a woman in bed?

By |2020-12-07T07:56:12+00:00December 7th, 2020|Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Sexuality, Orgasm, Pleasure, Sex|

That depends on which woman you’re trying to please. Before we even begin, let's change the phrase "trying to please" to "experiencing your woman in arousal and orgasm." Women can sense when men are "trying to please" them sexually and that can be a turnoff and create disconnection and goal orientation. And to women, when

How many Women have never had an Orgasm?

By |2020-10-26T10:23:53+00:00October 15th, 2020|Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Female Sexuality, Orgasm, Primary Orgasmic Dysfunction|

Many women have never had an orgasm and this percentage of women never orgasming has not changed for nearly 100 years. "Primary Orgasmic Disorder, is a diagnostic category used to describe women who, report never having experienced orgasm under any circumstance (Kaplan, 1974a; Masters & Johnson, 1970 as cited in Anderson, 1983).  Despite the sexual

Changing Our Beliefs about Male and Female Orgasm

By |2020-10-26T10:22:44+00:00October 14th, 2020|Delayed Ejaculation, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Orgasm|

A study conducted in Montreal, Canada uncovered the beliefs men and women have about orgasm (Séguin, 2019). These beliefs in essence, are reflected in our culture as statistics, in the media and how we operate as a culture. Below are some of the beliefs that were revealed in the study:  Male orgasm is simple; female

States of Absorption and Female Orgasm

By |2022-03-13T13:59:18+00:00October 7th, 2020|Absorbed State, Altered State of Consciousness, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Female Sexuality, Orgasm|

What are states of absorption and what do they have to do with female orgasm? Well, a lot. Let me explain. "States of Absorption are altered mental states characterized by an intense attentional focus on sensory and/or imaginary experiences which leads to changes in the perception of self, space and time (Tellegen& Atkinson, 1974, as

Women’s Clothing Choices and Sex

By |2022-03-13T13:59:52+00:00October 6th, 2020|Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Sexuality, Orgasm|

Researcher Seymore Fisher (1973, p 380) found that the greater a woman’s inclination to choose her clothes as to conform to current standards the less likely she is: To assign high importance to sex as a life experience. To want sex freedom increased in our culture. To experience more than one orgasm in a one-hour

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