Female Orgasmic Disorder

9 Facts About the Clitoris that Every Man (and Woman) Should Know

By |2022-06-09T11:21:00+00:00June 9th, 2022|Clitoris, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Female Sexual Dysfunction, Female Sexuality|

Below are 9 facts about the clitoris referenced in K. Lovestone's article from 2021, and his website, www.consciouscock.com (see reference below).  Many women still do not know the full extent of their clitoris, let alone men. When I took sex education in middle school, no one ever discussed pleasure - or the clitoris - for

Female Orgasm Research Online Library: Integrating Science into the Mainstream

By |2023-06-25T16:23:35+00:00April 14th, 2022|Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Female Sexuality, Uncategorized|

The Female Orgasm Research Institute created an online female orgasm research library to offer one portal of female orgasm research, books and media. We will continue to build our online female orgasm research library. As The Female Orgasm Research Institute's Executive Director, I read more than 900 female orgasm research papers, books and media articles

Cannabis Medicine, Trauma and Female Orgasmic Disorder

By |2021-08-18T11:49:42+00:00August 18th, 2021|Cannabis, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Pleasure, Trauma, Uncategorized|

This article highlights some key facts about where trauma is stored in the body, what the effects of trauma are in the body and how cannabis medicine can facilitate trauma's healing with skillful intentional use. The entire article is a good read. It is copied below. Psychedelic Cannabis: Using the Plant for Healing Trauma MAY

Orgasmic Anhedonia Needs to be in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

By |2020-12-15T12:42:53+00:00December 15th, 2020|Delayed Ejaculation, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Orgasmic Anhedonia, Pleasure Dissociative Orgasmic Disorder|

A few weeks ago, I posted on Facebook about how the term, Male Orgasmic Disorder, was changed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, to "Delayed Ejaculation".  I have a different perspective now that I conducted more research. I read several studies recently where this change was a disservice to men. 

Sexually Self-Conscious and Sexual Embarrassment: How it Relates to Sexual Dysfunction

By |2020-10-26T10:34:42+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Female Sexual Dysfunction|

First, it is common - in fact, it is so common that research has been done about it and measurements have been made to define it. So if you experience this - you are normal!! The key now is to know that sexual self-consciousness and sexual embarrassment may be something that holds women back from

How many Women have never had an Orgasm?

By |2020-10-26T10:23:53+00:00October 15th, 2020|Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Female Sexuality, Orgasm, Primary Orgasmic Dysfunction|

Many women have never had an orgasm and this percentage of women never orgasming has not changed for nearly 100 years. "Primary Orgasmic Disorder, is a diagnostic category used to describe women who, report never having experienced orgasm under any circumstance (Kaplan, 1974a; Masters & Johnson, 1970 as cited in Anderson, 1983).  Despite the sexual

Changing Our Beliefs about Male and Female Orgasm

By |2020-10-26T10:22:44+00:00October 14th, 2020|Delayed Ejaculation, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Orgasm|

A study conducted in Montreal, Canada uncovered the beliefs men and women have about orgasm (Séguin, 2019). These beliefs in essence, are reflected in our culture as statistics, in the media and how we operate as a culture. Below are some of the beliefs that were revealed in the study:  Male orgasm is simple; female

States of Absorption and Female Orgasm

By |2022-03-13T13:59:18+00:00October 7th, 2020|Absorbed State, Altered State of Consciousness, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Female Sexuality, Orgasm|

What are states of absorption and what do they have to do with female orgasm? Well, a lot. Let me explain. "States of Absorption are altered mental states characterized by an intense attentional focus on sensory and/or imaginary experiences which leads to changes in the perception of self, space and time (Tellegen& Atkinson, 1974, as

Female Sexual Dysfunction is a Pandemic

By |2020-10-26T10:24:43+00:00September 27th, 2020|Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Orgasm, Pandemic|

Covid-19 taught the world what a pandemic is and means. The 2009 definition of a pandemic by the World Health Organization is, “An epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people.” To further narrow that definition, an epidemic is defined by Merrriam-Webster Dictionary

Welcome to The Female Orgasm Research Institute

By |2023-06-25T16:25:34+00:00September 21st, 2020|Female Orgasm, Female Orgasm, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Orgasm|

Welcome! I am delighted to share with you The Female Orgasm Research Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to building social awareness to female orgasmic disorder, a pandemic affecting up to 44% of women worldwide that is the second most common sexual complaint among women. Lack of desire is the number one sexual complaint.  The full

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