Many women have never had an orgasm and this percentage of women never orgasming has not changed for nearly 100 years.
“Primary Orgasmic Disorder, is a diagnostic category used to describe women who, report never having experienced orgasm under any circumstance (Kaplan, 1974a; Masters & Johnson, 1970 as cited in Anderson, 1983). Despite the sexual information and treatment advances of recent years, the incidence of this sexual difficulty appears unchanged. As early as 1929, Hamilton reported that 20% of the 100 women surveyed had never experienced orgasm and an additional 11% were doubtful (Hamilton, 1929). Terman’s (1938) initial study and subsequent replication (1951) were the first large-scale correlational studies of personality variables and sexual response in women. From his sample of 760 married women, 8.3% reported never reaching orgasm. The Kinsey group (Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, & Gebhard, 1953), interviewing 2,480 women who had been previously or were currently married, estimated that at least 10% of the female population would never experience orgasm during their life. Surveys of more recent origin identified 7% (Hunt, 1974) and 10% (Hite, 1976) of the female population as non-orgasmic. Although there are interpretive difficulties with such survey data, convergent evidence appears to indicate that primary orgasmic dysfunction remains a clinical problem of considerable magnitude.”