The following research articles relate to cannabis, sex and/or female orgasm.
Almogi-Hazan, O., & Or, R. (2020). Cannabis, the Endocannabinoid System and Immunity-the Journey from the Bedside to the Bench and Back. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(12), 4448.
Andrew, H. (2003). Cannabis Effects and Dependency Concerns in Long-term Frequent Users: A Missing Piece of the Public Health Puzzle. Retrieved August 19, 2020, from……. ***sexual stimulation was ranked as the 3rd highest ranking effects of cannabis
Androvicova, R., Horacek, J., Stark, T., Drago, F., & Micale, V. (2017). Endocannabinoid system in sexual motivational processes: Is it a novel therapeutic horizon? Pharmacological Research, 115, 200–208.
Arafat, I., & Yorburg, B. (1973). Drug use and the sexual behavior of college women∗. The Journal of Sex Research, 9(1), 21–29.
Baggio, M., Chong, A., & Simon, D. (2020). Sex, marijuana and baby booms. Journal of Health Economics, 70.
Bhambhvani, H. P., Kasman, A. M., Wilson-King, G., & Eisenberg, M. L. (2020, June 16). A Survey Exploring the Relationship Between Cannabis Use Characteristics and Sexual Function in Men.
Cohen, S. (1982). Cannabis and sex: Multifaceted paradoxes. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 14(1-2), 55-58. 10.1080/02791072.1982.10471910 Retrieved from
Dawley, H. H., Baxter, A. S., Winstead, D. K., & Gay, J. R. (1979). An attitude survey of the effects of marijuana on sexual enjoyment. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 35(1), 212-217. doi:10.1002/1097-4679(197901);2-k
Fisher G, Steckler A. Psychological effects, personality and behavioral changes attributed to marihuana use. Int J Addict. 1974;9(1):101-26. doi: 10.3109/10826087409046773. PMID: 4415376.
Goode, E. (1972). Sex and Marijuana. Sexual Behavior, (May), 45–51.
Goode, E. Marijuana and sex. Evergreen, 1969, 66, 19-21, 72-74. also published in Sexual behavior journal in 1972
Hager , M. (1975). To enhance sex marijuana is ‘unparalleled’. The Journal, Addiction Research Foundation. 4(2), 1–5.
Halikas, J., Weller, R., & Morse, C. (1982). Effects of Regular Marijuana Use on Sexual Performance. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 14(1-2), 59-70. doi:10.1080/02791072.1982.10471911
Kasman, A. M., Bhambhvani, H. P., Wilson-King, G., & Eisenberg, M. L. (2020). Assessment of the Association of cannabis on female sexual function with the female sexual function index. Sexual Medicine, 8(4), 699-708. doi:10.1016/j.esxm.2020.06.009
Koff, W. (1974). Marijuana and Sexual Activity. The Journal of Sex Research, 10(3), 194-204. Retrieved August 14, 2020, from
Lex, B. W., Palmieri, S. L., Mello, N. K., & Mendelson, J. H. (1988). Alcohol use, marihuana smoking, and sexual activity in women. Alcohol, 5(1), 21-25. doi:10.1016/0741-8329(88)90038-9
Lewis, B. (1970). The Sexual Power of Marijuana. New York: Wyden. Available for free at:
Lynn, B., Gee, A., Zhang, L., & Pfaus, J. G. (2020). Effects of Cannabinoids on Female Sexual Function. Sexual Medicine Reviews, 8(1), 18-27. doi:10.1016/j.sxmr.2019.07.004
Lynn, B. K., López, J. D., Miller, C., Thompson, J., & Campian, E. C. (2019). The Relationship between Marijuana Use Prior to Sex and Sexual Function in Women. Sexual Medicine, 7(2), 192–197.
Mann, S., MD. (2020, March 09). Sex, Intimacy and Cannabis. Retrieved August 25, 2020, from
Marihuana and Sex. (1974). New England Journal of Medicine, 291(6), 308–310. doi:10.1056/nejm197408082910616
Moser, A. (2019, May 01). The Influence of Cannabis on Sexual Functioning and Satisfaction. Retrieved August 14, 2020, from
Palamar, J. J., Acosta, P., Ompad, D. C., & Friedman, S. R. (2016). A Qualitative Investigation Comparing Psychosocial and Physical Sexual Experiences Related to Alcohol and Marijuana Use among Adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(3), 757–770. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0782-7
Smith, A. M., Ferris, J. A., Simpson, J. M., Shelley, J. , Pitts, M. K. and Richters, J. (2010), Cannabis Use and Sexual Health. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7: 787-793. doi:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01453.x
Stella N. (2001). How might cannabinoids influence sexual behavior?. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98(3), 793–795.
Sun, A. J., Eisenberg, M. L. (2017). Association Between Marijuana Use and Sexual Frequency in the United States: A Population-Based Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14(11), 1342-1347. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2017.09.005
Weller, R. A., & Halikas, J. A. (1984). Marijuana use and sexual behavior. The Journal of Sex Research, 20(2), 186–193.
Wiebe, E., & Just, A. (2019). How Cannabis Alters Sexual Experience: A Survey of Men and Women. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 16(11), 1758–1762.
***Weibe research note mentions how cannabis helped women who had difficulty orgasming.