Below are excerpts from research that was conducted at the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic in San Francisco in 1975 and highlighted in the article titled, To Enhance Sex, Marijuana is ‘Unparalleled”:
- As survey of 59 men and 36 women from both the medical clinics and the heroin detoxification unit showed that ‘insofar as frequent, deliberate use of drugs to enhance sex is concerned, marijuana is non-parallel.”
- Two out of every five people surveyed said they used marijuana at least several times a week, or more often, in conjunction with sex, which led researchers to observe that “for sheer quantitative, everyday importance in the sexual lives of the young, ‘hip’ San Franciscans sampled in this study, marijuana is quite possibly as significant as all other drugs combined.”
- A common view of alcohol in the study was that “alcohol makes for “sloppy” sex.
- Half of the group said they enjoyed sex more while straight than high but half also reported the quality of their sex life had changed since they began using drugs and 75% of them, for the better.
- The study found that addicts had higher ratings for the ways in which various drugs enhanced sexual performance than non-addicts.
- The addicts in the survey generally felt drugs enhanced sexual performance while the non-addict group found drugs more important in the areas of touching and the ability to have and act out sexual fantasies.
- Homosexuals males enjoyed sex and drugs separately while the females combined the enjoyments of drugs and sex.
Citation: Hager,M. To enhance sex, marijuana is ‘unparalleled.’ The Journal {Addiction Research Foundation,
Toronto), 1975, 4, 1-5.
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